Experience makes packaging on Zack

28 years of experience, combined with CAD-construction,

development, die cutting technique,

material disposition and customer service are our promises and your guaranty.



A creative mind and skillful hands. We have the best of both worlds.

Based on complex CAD-constructions, we produce prototypes, samples and even complete trial runs, which fit your requirements.

The ideal visualization for your first impression and your presentation.


Finding the right packaging can be quite difficult. Attractive design, smart function and maximum compactness are not easy to combine.

That’s why our service covers everything you need for your individual packaging solutions of your products.


„Even if it is well done, there are ways to optimize it.”

Through professional fine tuning of your construction, material and tools, we achieve the optimum for your packaging.

And that saves you trouble, time and money.

Looking for boxes?

Small quantities are no problem and can be processed withing short time.

All products will be produced following customer requests and requirements. The product will be produced in close collaboration with the customer. All goods are non-stock items

The format is freely selectable. You can choose between different shapes or order a specific one that fits your needs


If that got you exited you should check out the numerous possibilities and ideas involving carton and paper by looking at some of my projects.

Do you want to stay up-to-date? Just sign-up for our newsletter or contact us.